it was great to see friends Victoria Arbiter and Max Foster in this 30-minute special...and to get to hear from Jason Bell was a REAL treat. As far as anything new...not really. But who cares? It was a 30-minute special dedicated to the young royal affectionately known as "Cheeks" The main source of new information in this came from the interview with photographer Jason Bell...we got to know a little more about what it was like in the room and behind the scenes of two sittings he has ...
As his 1st Birthday Approaches, Prince George is in the Spotlight
22 July will be here before we know it and while we will never forget the wait that the world went through for Prince George it is still hard to believe that it has in fact been a year. As Prince George gears up for his big birthday party, he is taking center stage in the media seems the world wants to celebrate! Hello Magazine has made George the coverboy this week: CNN is planning a special on Friday 11 July called "The Little Prince" that is scheduled to air at ...